Mayor’s Charity
£1,000 was raised at the Christmas Gala Concert for the Mayor of Dunstable’s charity, The Salvation Army.
Our Anniversary Concert in August raised funds for Keech Hospicecare. 20 years ago the choir began raising funds for the then Pasque Hospice. As the Hospice changed its name to Keech, the choir decided to change from Pasque Harmony to Caritas Harmony. We have raised funds for different charities over the years using this name, but it seemed fitting to donate the £1,800 raised from this wonderful Anniversary Concert to Keech Hospicecare.
In 2021 we managed to support local and national charities. These included The Hospice of St. Francis, Friends of St. Lawrence Church, Rachel’s Rainbow Dancers and Prostate Cancer UK.
In 2022 the choir will be supporting Ukrainian Refugees, The Friends of Kensworth Church and the charity chosen by The Mayor of Dunstable 2022.
In November, our Concert for Heather raised money for the Dogs’ Trust.
The Gala Concert was in aid of the Salvation Army.