Last night we were treated to a journey round the British Isles and the world, [...]
In these difficult times, we are pleased to report that we have sponsored two seats [...]
Even with a second lockdown, we are still singing. We have regular Zoom rehearsals which [...]
A real treat for you all. God Rest You Merry Gentlemen, from our Christmas concert. [...]
Check out the video from Christmas 2019, with the Huge Sing For Dementia Choir singing [...]
It’s such a long time since we sang together, but we are still practising hard. [...]
Lockdown rehearsals are going well. We can all see and hear Margaret, and we can [...]
Two of our concerts have been rescheduled for 2021. We will sing at St. Lawrence [...]
Tonight begins the first experiment of getting the choir together by means of Zoom, an [...]