What a memorable and exciting ‘Songs for Ukraine’. For those of you who missed it [...]
Unfortunately, the planned concert on 2nd July has been cancelled. We are hoping to reschedule [...]
How dedicated are we? An extra rehearsal on Bank Holiday Monday as our Songs for [...]
To quote Robert Burns, ‘the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley’….. [...]
Our concert on 14th May will be in aid of Ukraine. Please support this tragic [...]
On 2nd April, Caritas Harmony Choir and The Caritas Singers will compete again in the [...]
Today a small group of Caritas Singers sang at the service of celebration for the [...]
Last night we held a very successful Zoom AGM and were delighted to welcome two [...]
It’s still January, but our concert schedule is filling up, especially for the summer. Take [...]